
Archive for February, 2016

Working with People Like Me IS Convenient

There’s a misconception that working with a self-employed visionary or guide such as a tarot consultant, reiki practitioner, or circle process teacher isn’t convenient, that we’re enigmatic creatures whose schedule depends on our whim.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I value my work and the people who consult me; therefore, I like to make things as easy as possible for you.

In-person tarot and reiki clients enjoy that my space is only a four-minute walk from a subway station on a main metro line here in Toronto, a pleasure to get to.  People who live in a different city or country also enjoy these services.  Because we work with a clear agreed-upon intention, and because a tarot consultation is a form of conversation, we can explore your topic over the phone or on Skype (almost like being in the room!).  And because reiki is in everything and everyone, we’re reminded that all of life is connected, so your reiki session can take place with you in your space and me in mine.  When I teach or host circle process, its versatility means that I can train groups anywhere at all.  I’ve taught and hosted the Circle Way here in Toronto as well as in cities and retreat centres near and far, so this process can take place wherever your group resides.

To keep my life simple and peaceful, I elect not to have a mobile device of any kind.  However, I am highly reachable.  My phone number and email address are here on my site (see the Services page) and I pride myself on returning calls and emails within 48 hours to set up personal appointments and group experiences.  People can also find me on Facebook and send me a private message there.  Easy!

My hours are very clear, so you know when I’m available on a professional basis.  I do personal sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and on some Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.  This provides you with many hours from which to choose.

I hope this gives you a taste of how convenient and easy your consultation or training with me is.  It will be a joy to work with you and with the people you treasure!  Do contact me at circleways.james@gmail.com or at (416) 966 – 2685 to set something up.


Image: 10 of Rainbows from the Osho Zen Tarot.

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Consulting Someone Does NOT Equal Failure

It can be a challenge to open up to somebody and tell them that you’re feeling uncertain, excited, stuck, or extra creative, can’t it?  There’s a perception “out there” that to take your conundrums and curiosities to a tarot consultant, psychotherapist, astrologer, coach, or any other helper equals failure or is something to be ashamed of.  Our culture’s voice says, “You need to go it alone or else you’re weak.”  I choose to disagree with that cultural voice.

Something I want you to know about the tarot consultations I offer is that they are rooted in a mindset that says, “At your core, you are creative, wise, resourceful, and whole.”  There’s nothing “wrong” with you for consulting me or any other practitioner.  We all need an ear to bend and another perspective(s) from time to time.  So please know that I respect and treasure your power to create your own life.  That power lies in your hands, not in mine.

The sessions I offer are synergistic experiences during which you, your topic or intention, the strategic questions about that intention, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious, the world unconscious, the card symbols, careful listening, and I are in dialogue so that you can remember your innate creativity, wisdom, resourcefulness, and wholeness.  I act as a guide.  You and I are co-creators of the tarot encounter, co-weavers of a tapestry that depicts your inner and outer options and what you might do about them in order to create life in your authentic image.  I provide the container, you bring the content.  Together, we let the Plan Bs, Plan Cs, and so forth flow.  Together, we vision your possibilities and potentials and set up first steps to getting to them.

This co-creative, wholeness-honouring approach is far from dependency and failure; it IS about interdependence and empowerment.  Let me know how this form of tarot work can be of value to you.  I’m here for you and WITH you.

With love, appreciation, and respect,




Image: 10 of Flame Songs from the Songs for the Journey Home Tarot.



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James Interviewed on YouTube

The delightful Arwen Lynch Poe interviewed me today.  Our conversation covered who my Muses are, boundaries in my work, a retreat I co-offered last year, my current project, and much more.  I hope enjoy it.  Here’s the link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bBJtT7WJHY&feature=youtu.be

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