
Archive for January, 2016

Join the Card of the Month Circle

Gain deep insights, month by month, beginning TOMORROW (Feb. 1)!

If you’re someone who values depth, beauty, symbols, and awareness, I’m excited to bring forth a brand new service for you called the Card of the Month Circle, a year-long process of reflection, enquiry, insight, and growth.

When you join the Card of the Month Circle, you will receive a personalised one-card email reading each month for a year, beginning February 1, to help you tune in to what you most need to know and learn. This is NOT fortune-telling, but rather it IS a way to witness your deepest truth mirrored in art and language so you can remember more of who you are and gain strategies for effective living. Each month, I will use a different deck of cards to connect you with your Knowing. Most will be tarot decks, but some will be equally evocative non-tarot decks.

As you’ll discover, this programme is MORE than just a “monthly card reading”. We’ll engage with the symbols in a variety of ways — simple reflections, poetic utterances, creative rituals, and goodness knows how else.

EXTRA GOODIES! In addition to a monthly card message/reflection, as a Card of the Month member you will receive a 15% discount on my regular offerings: private tarot consultations, personal reiki sessions, teleseminars, day-long and weekend workshops, and eight-week courses such as “Essentials of Tarot Reading” and “Tarot Counselling for Self and Others” for the duration of your year-long membership. Hurrah!

ONLY 40 people can become Card of the Month Circle members. Will you be one of them? To join, you have three payment options:

1. The full payment of $295 (best deal) sent to circleways.james@gmail.com via PayPal, or
2. Three installments of $110 sent to circleways.james@gmail.com via PayPal (final installment must be sent by the end of April, 2016).
3. Send a cheque or money order to James Wells (mailing address provided privately upon request).

This year-long service is first come, first served. After 40 people join the Card of the Month Circle, I will put remaining names on a waiting list for the following year.  REMEMBER, it begins tomorrow, so sign up before midnight tonight.

It will be a delight to welcome you to the Card of the Month Circle.


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Choosing the “Right” Tarot Deck


In online fora and in conversations with prospective students, I’m often asked, “James, what’s a good beginner’s tarot deck?”  My answer is that I don’t believe that there’s such a thing as a beginner’s deck or an advanced person’s deck. There’s a world of images out there and all tarot packs are fair game.  I never impose any particular set of cards on my students. Some things to bear in mind about selecting a tarot deck include:

* Aesthetics. Is it visually appealing? Would you enjoy being in a room if its walls had these tarot images on it?

* Symbolism. Do the cards contain symbols that intrigue you, that you understand or want to know more about?

* Philosophy. In what worldview is the deck rooted? What is the deck creator’s way of experiencing and understanding existence? Is it a philosophy that you espouse or would at least like to try on for a while?

* Size. Would the cards feel comfortable in your hands? Too small? Too large? Just right?

* Cost. Is it a deck you can afford? If not, is it worth saving up for?

* Reputation. Does the deck garner respect from at least a few people in the tarot community? Why so? Do their reasons for endorsing the deck resonate with you?

* The Unknown Factor. Do you dream about a certain deck? Are you magnetically drawn to it for some other-than-rational reason? Do you really want it without even fully understanding why?

Keep these in mind, put your answers together, and you’ll find a set(s) of cards that’s just right for you!



Image: The World from The Tarot Lovers’ Tarot by Karyn Easton.

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